Welcome to Warley Preschool Ltd

Warley preschool was originally established in 1963 as a commitee run charity and in September 2015 was taken over and opened as a private limited company.

Warley Preschool Ltd is OFSTED registered. We are situated in St John's Church Hall in the Warley area of Halifax. The preschool is open five days a week, during school term time only.

We hope you will find all the information about our setting here and if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.


Warley Pre-School has 2 spaces. A Pre-School room for children aged 2yrs - 5yrs and an Under 2's room for children from 9mths to 2yrs.

The Pre-School is open 5 days a week (Mon - Fri) during school term time and sessions / full days are available between 8.30am and 4.00pm.

If you require further information please contact us at info@warleypreschool.co.uk or on 07495 815717.


Our recent Ofsted reports states :


"Staff provide a calm, nurturing and stimulating learning environment. They cheerfully greet children and families as they arrive at Preschool. Children enter the Preschool happy and eager to play."

"The manager and staff value and celebrate the uniqueness, ethnicity and religion of children and their families. Staff teach children abouth the special faiths and religions families have. They help children to understand and be respectful of their friends beliefs."

"Overall staff have high expectations of what children can achieve and encourage childrens independant choices"

"The manager and staff support children with special educational needs and or disabilities extremely well, they are swift to intervene when children are not progressing as expected. Staff work closely with a wide range of other professionals"


Please go to Our Approach / Ofsted for a link to the full the full report.

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© Warley Preschool Ltd